Peripheries Project

Interdisciplinary and collaborative storytelling explored through borderland reporting. A project utilizing research, multimedia reporting and collaboration between artists and journalists to tell the story of modern international boundaries. 

Before embarking on this project, a colleague posed the question: why do we even have borders at all? I began reporting with other, perhaps more pragmatic, questions in mind. What can borders mean for the people who call them home? How do borderlands affect and shape those who live on the peripheries?

This project is a culmination of a year’s worth of reporting from borders in the Middle East and North America, from small village walls to the 49th Parallel. I followed four stories which highlight the complexities of different kinds of borderlands in Egypt, Lebanon, the U.S. and Sonora, Mexico.

In addition to the Peripheries website, the 360 video was also exhibited at an interdisciplinary gallery exhibition in Tucson, Ariz. on April 22, 2017. The event brought together four other local artists also working on border video pieces, to create a body of work which challenged traditional notions of barriers and boundaries. Below are photos taken during the exhibition:

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